What if you could get paid to get on stage to share your story in the span of just 90 days?

...Isn’t it time you got paid to
speak on stages in an impactful way? 

Let me rephrase that... What if, in under 12 weeks, you could have a strong system and influential strategies that continues to generate speaking leads even after you've gone to bed each night.

A complete step-by-step system that allows you to land highly paid speaking engagements. If you want to learn how to take actionable steps with accountability that actually impacts your target audience, keep reading…

You know that in order to get paid and booked to speak on stages, you need to take accountability, know your value and know how to get in front of the right people...

However, you're constantly second guessing yourself and asking questions like...“How do I get booked to speak on stages?” And “How do I get my message to the masses?” and even “How can I use my story to create more income?"

...having the ability to speak to your dream audience without all the barriers keeping your message from reaching them, persuading people of your value, and endlessly searching for the next opportunity?

You would have a system you could use anytime you wanted to land stages and be able to throw out that old strategy that just wasted your time. You would feel recharged in your passion to share your story and stop feeling frustrated every time you're not connecting with the people who need to hear from you or every time you’re invited to share your story for free.

You wouldn't have to blindly search for how to reach your audience because instead you'd find yourself turning down the overwhelming amount of paid opportunities you’re offered. You’ll have no more missed opportunities. And maybe even others start noticing your results and give you the nickname “Booked and Busy."

If you want to learn how to create new stages from your story that you didn’t know were there before, I have something for you...

A 12-week group coaching program for high achievers, influencers, authors, and speakers who want to expand their brand through using their story to become a highly paid, sought after speaker.

Are you ready to share your story without the hassle of not knowing what to do next?

...while not having to convince others of your value?

Here's What Debbi Had To Say...

Author, Child Welfare Lawyer

"I had the pleasure of working with Justin and Alexis and what I liked was that I didn’t have to think too much. They did the thinking for me - they just told me what to do to stay organized and made sure I stayed on track by telling me what to do next. I chose to work with them because everyone else has not done it themselves and wanted to put me in their model, whereas Justin and Alexis supported with personalized strategies."

The step by step system for authors, speakers and professionals that helps you be seen as an expert, build credibility with your story and know your value.


Phase 1: Becoming #BookedandBusy

Where you'll work on your mindset, perspective, and do deep inner work so you can experience paid bookings and growth using your story for your business.

Phase 2: Crafting Your Story

You’ve got that “It” factor in your story, and we’re gonna help you find it. You'll break down your story into step-by-step deliverables for your perfect audience. You'll see your story as a powerful tool that can help you connect with your audience, build trust and credibility, and ultimately lead to paid bookings and business growth.

Phase 3: Purpose, Package, and Present!

See your story meet your potential by packaging it in ways that showcase your uniqueness. In this phase, you’ll work on creating the keynote speeches that will be delivered in front of thousands and people. Additionally, we will support you in shaping various workshops or trainings that’ll provide a more in-depth insight of your subject matter to your audience. You'll learn how to create powerful content that will make you memorable and can be repurposed over and over again.

Phase 4: From Story to Brand

Connect with your audience and know the best way to do so. You'll know what differentiates you from others, what you stand for, and a message that resonates with your ideal audience. You'll know how to build it without any business or tech "savvyness" while creating a system that works for you.

Phase 5: Building Your Platform

Create powerful content with your story that will keep you #BookedandBusy. You won't have anymore more missed paid speaking opportunities with a better understanding of how to use your platform to connect with the people you want to serve. We will take out our the guesswork for you! 

Phase 6: Pitching With Purpose

Where you'll connect your message and materials to the audiences you’d like to serve and where to find them. You will have clarity because you will have the tools needed to make strong, fast decisions moving forward. You'll leverage existing networks and create new ones to get you in front of large audiences ready to hear your story.

Phase 7: Get Paid! Get Paid!

Know your value and know what to ask for with boldness and confidence. You’ve spent the previous weeks of the program crafting your message, learning how to connect with your audience, and now you finally learn how to put a dollar amount on your work and your invaluable story. You know what you went through to get where you are. Now you'll be ready for your story to take you into rooms and cities you've never been to while getting paid to do it!

*The bulk of the work will be done during mastermind sessions

Here's What a Real Estate Mogul Had To Say...

"I’ve been a sought after speaker in my field and have noticed others getting paid for their time. I have become interested in communicating my expertise while also receiving compensation. Working with Justin and Alexis, I am understanding my value and have more confidence in requesting compensation when negotiating speaking engagements."

When You Enroll in Story to Stages Today, You Will Get...

  • Step-by-step proven framework to make sure you are "Booked and Busy!"

  • Checklists, templates, scripts so you can start quickly

    without getting stuck or overwhelmed 

  • 24/7 Access to Coaching through Slack

  • You will be a part of an accountability and result-driven coaching process

  • Weekly coaching calls

  • Replay access 

  • Email support 

  • Plug-n-play templates

  • Organization and task planning

  • 3-months of additional support

  • Payment plans 

  • World-class cancellation policy

You're also protected with our 7-day guarantee...

When you Work with Justin and Alexis,  you're not getting the old, traditional typeof coaching of one-size-fits-all. Instead, you'll experience a hands-on approach from those who have done it themselves.

We will show up and not just coach you - We will also sit with you while we work on your brand together. You will also receive a data-driven, action-oriented coaching space every time we have a session together.

Your World-Class Cancellation Policy

Guess what? You’re also protected with our cancellation policy.

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply some of the game-changing strategies you’ll learn in the Program.

We offer a 7-day cancelation period for purchases. No refund will be given, but all future payments will be stopped.

There’s literally no risk involved because you can cancel in 7 days.

We’re living proof! And we started from nothing.

A note from your coaches...

Alexis Black

Alexis recently graduated with degrees in Entrepreneurship and Global Studies. She is all things logistics, project management, and business operations. She loves supporting others in streamlining processes, being efficient and creating new streams of income!

Justin Black

Justin recently graduated with a degree in Public Relations. He has gone from being homeless to creating a 6-figure business serving others. He the creative mastermind behind speeches, presentations, social media content and more. He looks forward to supporting with the templates, plug-n-play content and how to use our story to get on stages!

Featured in....

“I am finding my voice thanks to you guys!” - Past S2S participant



Both Justin and Alexis....

  • Started from nothing (both foster care alumni)

  • Full-time speakers and authors straight out of college

  • Spoken on hundreds of stages

  • Turning down opportunities - #BookedandBusy!

  • Sold over 20,000 books as international bestsellers

  • Helped raise $1.2 million+ speaking at a gala

  • Featured as part of Forbes Next 1000

Here's What Jennifer Had To Say...

Childwelfare Expert, Business Owner

"As I set up my own business, Justin and Alexis were always accessible to answer my questions. When I was pricing out my offers, they helped me realize my value when negotiating speaking engagements with at least doubling my prices. I felt my confidence rising as they showed me what tools to use to streamline business processes, pitching for new opportunities and the encouragement to finally write my book to add to my expertise and the work I am already doing."

Still not sure if Story to Stages is right for you? Ready to jump in?

Story to Stages is perfect for you if you have an impactful story and expertise that needs to be in the hands of thousands but are struggling to get the message to the right people.

You just need the strategies and systems to get in front of the right audience. You want to make an impact by monetizing your message to grow your business, know your value and to do what you love. You have have a sense of purpose with a world class work ethic.

Isn't it time you know your value in an strategic and impactful way?

Here's What Robyn Had To Say...

Vice President

"As I have witnessed Alexis’ business growth, I have been inspired to take new risks. As many times as I reach out, she is more than willing to respond with business expertise and is solution oriented. Alexis has supported me with countless opportunities that lead to new streams of income."

You Have Questions... I Have Answers!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Story to Stages?

Story to Stages is a 12-week group coaching program supported by a 7 module roadmap helps you be seen as an expert , build credibility with your story and know your value .

The mastermind is led by Justin and Alexis Black who have years of experience, sold over 20k books as international bestsellers and have distilled down the steps that will make all the difference for you and your message.

Who is this program perfect for?

Story to Stages is perfect for high achievers, influencers, authors and speakers who have an impactful story and expertise that needs to be in the hands of thousands but are struggling to get the message to the right people. They have the story, they have the expertise and they feel confident in their ability to share it - they just need the strategies and systems to get in front of the right audience. They want to make an impact by monetizing their message to grow their business, know their value and to do what they love. They must have a sense of purpose with a world class work ethic.

How much time will it take to to through the training?

S2S is a 6-month coaching program with the bulk of the work required in this program will be completed during our weekly mastermind sessions!

Within 90 days of us working together, you’ll have a clear pathway to you standing on stages in front of your dream audience. You will learn how to maximize the uniqueness of your story and have audiences inviting to speak at the next event, conference, or with their organization. Create a business based on influencing others with heartfelt inspiration, stories of motivations and prosperity, and overcoming the odds. We want you to experience the joy of being a prominent figure in your field and leading voice in every room you step in.

How much support do I get?

  • 24/7 Access to Coaching through Slack

  • Weekly accountability from the coaches and from other participants

  • 3-months of addition support after the program concludes

When will participants start seeing results?

We guarantee, within 90 days of us working together, you’ll have a clear pathway to you standing on stages in front of your dream audience. You will learn how to maximize the uniqueness of your story and have audiences inviting to speak at the next event, conference, or with their organization. Create a business based on influencing others with heartfelt inspiration, stories of motivations and prosperity, and overcoming the odds. We want you to experience the joy of being a prominent figure in your and leading voice in every room you step in.

How does the guarantee work?

Here's the deal...

We know making this type of investment in yourself and/or your business is a big decision. Go through the training. Get coached. If you don't love it, email me anytime during the first 7 days at info@re-definingnormal.com, show me you are doing the exercises, and I'll immediately cancel your account. No questions asked.

Should I join now or wait?

  • If you don't learn strategies to get on stages, get paid to share your message, or negotiate well, you are missing out on opportunities.

  • As you grow, people will continue to invite you to speak but you won’t be prepare to cash in on the opportunity

  • You will be limiting your growth and impact by not establishing yourself as a speaker.

  • Your story is fresh and unique, but if you don’t share your message, your pot of gold will turn into a pool of regret. 

How long will I have access to the training?

You will have access to the training material for 6-months, starting when you enroll.

What are my payment options?

There are several options for every level of business! Book your call today and discover what your next step looks like!